
Making a Difference Worldwide

Child Evangelism Fellowship®, also known as CEF®, is a Bible-centered,worldwide organizationcomposed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, to disciple them and to establish them in a local Bible-believing church for Christian living.

CEF® of Maryland, Inc. is a vital part of Child Evangelism Fellowship International. We are a 501(c)(3) and our passion is to reach every child in the state of Maryland and their families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. CEF of Maryland is a growing ministry with a goal of establishing After School Good News Clubs in every elementary school across the state. We are looking for additional full and part-time staff and ministry leaders, board members and an army of volunteers to join us in reaching boys and girls in Maryland for Christ. Our state headquarters is located at 2203 N. Rolling Road in Windsor Mill, MD 21244. Contact us for more information at (410) 944-6435 or by email at cefmaryland@gmail.com.

About us

Our History

CEF was founded by Rev. Jesse Irvin Overholtzer in 1937. Growing up in a religious family, Jesse at the age of 12 was convicted of his own sin and sought counsel from his mother. He was told, “Son, you are too young.” It wasn’t until Overholtzer was in college that he heard the Gospel and trusted Christ as his Savior. Later as a pastor, Mr. Overholtzer read one of Charles Spurgeon’s sermons which stated, “A child of five, if properly instructed can as truly believe and be regenerated as an adult.” The Lord used this statement in Mr. O’s life to lead him to begin the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship when he was 60 years old.

About us

CEF Today

Since its beginning, the ministry has grown into the largest evangelistic outreach to children in the world. CEF is currently ministering in over 195 countries and in every state in the USA. The organization has over 3400 workers. In the USA and Canada 700 full-time workers and an estimated 40,000 volunteers serve the ministry. Last year CEF workers reached over 16.4 million children worldwide with over four million making professions of faith in Jesus Christ. In 2017 CEF celebrated its 80th Anniversary.

Our Vision / Our Strategy

LCEF’s vision internationally is to reach every child in every nation, every day. Our strategy is to train, equip and support workers in order to reach our goal of active ministry in every nation of the world.
CEF of Maryland’s vision is to reach every child in every community, every day. Our strategy is to establish a movement across Maryland known as Mission 4/14 to reach all the children between the ages of four and fourteen with the Gospel. Our central focus is to take the Good News Club after school program into every public elementary school. To achieve this we are enlisting the support of all Bible-believing churches across the state to adopt their community school. We are training and equipping them to be effective in leading children to a saving knowledge of Christ.

CEF Maryland

Our Maryland State Chapter began in 1940 and was incorporated in 1962. The State Headquarters building at 2203 N. Rolling Rd. in Windsor Mill was built free and clear of any debt and dedicated on Aug. 18, 1968. God has been faithful in that this building continues to serve as our State Headquarters today.